Saturday, August 11, 2012

Since we have recently announced our adoption plans, we have been flooded with questions.  Most of the time they go something like this: "Why?" - "How did you decide on these children?" - "Are you crazy?" - "Do you want to be on TV?"  First of all, let me dispell that last one:  WE DO NOT! :)  I realize many people who are connecting with us as we work to get our children home have not even met us before!  What a blessing it has been as we are contacted by so many of you who want to help, and I want to share with you more about our story.

The "Once upon a time" all begins back in high school.  I, Chandra, realized God was calling me into mission work.  Of course, I assumed I would live in a hut in Africa and teach the children how to read and love God.  In college I met a handsome, brilliant guy who swept me off my feet.  We talked about this plan and agreed that we were both open to be missionaries wherever and whenever God called.  Fast forward several years and I have my teaching degrees, Matt has finished medical school and we have three children:  Aubrey, Emmaline, and Graham.  Over those years we had met with the International Mission Board three times to pursue a place to serve.  Each time they were eager for us to continue with interviews and paperwork to find our position, but we were hesitant.  God always seemed to be saying, "Wait."  So we waited. 

In 2005 Matt and I felt called to adopt.  We had developed a real interest in adoption even while we were growing our family biologically, and we thought maybe we should adopt our fourth child since we probably wouldn't have any more.  How funny is that!  We completed the process, and brought home Wil.  He is a beautiful little guy.  But as most of you know, he has severe issues because of what happened to him before he came home.  Through it all, God was very gracious.  He gave us help from people around us, strength to survive great heartache, and most of all, time to adjust. 

It was then that God revealed His plan for the mission work He wanted to do in our family.  Matt and I each began to feel God leading.  We individually saw a vision of our family with many little dark skinned faces, saw how God could work this way, and wanted to join in.  Now don't think this was a quick, easy thing.  It took us two weeks (and if you know me, you know how hard that was) before we came to each other and were able to say, "We need to talk about something."  I remember how relived we both were when we saw the other had the same calling. 

After adjusting to this new idea, we began our second adoption.  So then came Worth and Jeremiah.  For those who are having trouble keeping up, Worth was born to us; Jeremiah was adopted.  These two have been a blast.  Being three months apart in age, they are best friends. God added some comedy to our lives, and we are loving it. 

Okay, so today? And these kids?  Well, we have been shaping our life to adopt again.  You may have seen the "Party bus"!  So last summer we began looking for the next children God had for us.  We had strange calls about orphanages closing, teen girls needing homes for babies, and such.  Every time we said yes, but the doors were firmly shut.  These particular children were sent to us on an e-mail.  We responded that we were interested and were told it was a long shot since we already had six children and one has special needs.  Since May 25th of this year we have been interviewed over the phone, written answers to many preliminary questions, and collected info from doctors and friends to submit to a committee which decided the children are a good placement for us.   

God has plowed down so many barriers as we have followed.  I am currently just overwhelmed with the response we have seen in friends and aquaintances as you have stepped up with donations and help for The Event.  It has really humbled me.  (And the six here at home love to laugh at my cry each day as I see more support!)  We have begun collecting for our paperwork to go to Ethiopian court.  After the court date they will schedule us for an appointment at the US Embassey in Ethiopia and that will be when we can bring the children home.  Right now that date is estimated for sometime between March and May. 

So there it is!  That's the why, the how these children, and the when.  The are we crazy is a simple yes.  We are crazy to follow our calling in life, to be a part of something much bigger than us, and to impact the future for our children and their children. 

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